Maggie Timberlake, All My Oily People
In 2010, my life took a significant turn. Suddenly, I had a precious human relying on me to make the best choices for their well-being and safety. After a couple of years, we discovered that our daughter had a soy intolerance - any form of soy would trigger unwanted reactions. While she could tolerate small amounts initially, her system would eventually become overwhelmed, causing rashes, severe congestion, and stomach issues. Desperate for a solution, we resorted to over-the-counter medications that made her perpetually drowsy, but we weren't satisfied. That's when a friend introduced us to Young Living.
Within just a few weeks, we stumbled upon a natural and healthy approach to alleviate the symptoms, resulting in our angel baby being wide awake and energetic once again.
Since then, we have turned to Young Living products for all our needs, addressing various concerns - digestion, emotions, hormones and more. What's even more rewarding is that I've had the privilege of assisting over 250 families in finding their own solutions too.